Foundations of Gender Inclusion

Foundations of Gender Inclusion

Establishes basic understanding of gender diversity and approaches for application to professional practice

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About this Training

Please note: This is not a self-paced course. This Training Replay contains training materials and resources associated with a live training and is intended to support implementation and continued professional development. A certificate will NOT be provided for review of these materials and resources.

Training materials and resources for Foundations of Gender Inclusion, presented by Gender Spectrum, on 02/07/2023

This workshop is designed to establish basic understanding of gender diversity and applications for professional practice. Through direct presentation, videoclips of youth and others talking about gender, and group reflection and discussion, this workshop takes participants through basic gender concepts and terminology. With this solid background in place, the session describes concrete methods for applying the lens of gender diversity to mental health, social work, and child welfare practices and contexts.

Participants will:

  • Recognize and identify social and historical factors leading to the gender binary as the predominant model of gender in mainstream US society
  • Understand and be able to describe gender congruence and the three dimensions of gender
  • Examine their own gender experiences and be able to articulate their impact on their work with young people, colleagues, and community
  • Articulate multiple data points about the relationship between gender and youth health and wellness
  • Distinguish gender affirming vs. non-affirming parenting practices
  • Determine strategic approaches for working with parents/caregivers struggling with their child’s gender

Who should attend: Staff of family resource centers (FRCs), child abuse prevention councils (CAPCs), and other child and family-serving organizations.

Training Materials & Resources

  • Recording
  • Slides (Dimensions of Gender)
  • Slides (Foundations of Gender-Affirming Care)
  • Tracking Guide: Dimensions of Gender – An Evolving Discourse
  • Answer Sheet for Tracking Guide: Dimensions of Gender – An Evolving Discourse
  • Gender Inclusive Mental Health Practices Packet

About this Training

Please note: This is not a self-paced course. This Training Replay contains training materials and resources associated with a live training and is intended to support implementation and continued professional development. A certificate will NOT be provided for review of these materials and resources.

Training materials and resources for Foundations of Gender Inclusion, presented by Gender Spectrum, on 02/07/2023

This workshop is designed to establish basic understanding of gender diversity and applications for professional practice. Through direct presentation, videoclips of youth and others talking about gender, and group reflection and discussion, this workshop takes participants through basic gender concepts and terminology. With this solid background in place, the session describes concrete methods for applying the lens of gender diversity to mental health, social work, and child welfare practices and contexts.

Participants will:

  • Recognize and identify social and historical factors leading to the gender binary as the predominant model of gender in mainstream US society
  • Understand and be able to describe gender congruence and the three dimensions of gender
  • Examine their own gender experiences and be able to articulate their impact on their work with young people, colleagues, and community
  • Articulate multiple data points about the relationship between gender and youth health and wellness
  • Distinguish gender affirming vs. non-affirming parenting practices
  • Determine strategic approaches for working with parents/caregivers struggling with their child’s gender

Who should attend: Staff of family resource centers (FRCs), child abuse prevention councils (CAPCs), and other child and family-serving organizations.

Training Materials & Resources

  • Recording
  • Slides (Dimensions of Gender)
  • Slides (Foundations of Gender-Affirming Care)
  • Tracking Guide: Dimensions of Gender – An Evolving Discourse
  • Answer Sheet for Tracking Guide: Dimensions of Gender – An Evolving Discourse
  • Gender Inclusive Mental Health Practices Packet